Statement of Inclusion

FPCLS is a congregation where ALL people are welcome.

Statement of Inclusion

At FPCLS, we take seriously Jesus' command to love one another, and as a congregation have committed to making our church a place of holy welcome.

We are a Matthew 25 congregation. This initiative of our denomination focuses on building congregational vitality, eradicating systemic poverty, and dismantling structural racism.

We are an open and affirming congregation, which means that sexual orientation or gender identity serve as no barrier to church membership, celebration of sacraments, marriage, and ordination to the offices of elder, or pastor. This is a belief ratified by the General Assembly of the PC(USA), our denomination's highest governing body, and embodied by our staff and congregation.

In June of 2022, the Session of FPCLS approved its Statement of Inclusion (below), and remains proactively committed to creating an environment of genuine hospitality and love.

"At First Presbyterian Church of Lee’s Summit; our welcome extends to people of all races, ages, sexual orientation, gender identities, physical or mental ability, economic status, culture and ethnicity. We declare that every person has worth and is a bearer of God’s image. No matter who you love, how you look, or what you do; we welcome and affirm you in the full life of our church. We understand and affirm that gender and sexuality exist on a spectrum, often with deeply personal meanings to each individual.  As Christians, we are called to unconditionally love everyone. Galatians 3:28 (NIV) says “you are all one in Christ Jesus.” We affirm that members of ALL communities are welcome within our church family. At First Presbyterian Church of Lee’s Summit, we open our hearts and our homes to you loudly and fully. All people are worthy. Love is Love."